What We Believe:
- There is one God, perfect and existing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ divine, pre-existing with the Father, born of a virgin, lived sinlessly, died for our sins, rose bodily, ascended to heaven, and will return in glory.
- The Holy Spirit actively ministers in the church, guiding believers to live in accordance with God's will.
- The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, authoritative for Christian living.
- Humanity was created in God's image, but fell into sin, requiring God's grace for restoration.
- Forgiveness and restoration come through faith in Jesus Christ's sacrificial death.
- True faith leads to transformation and living a Christ-like life.
- Baptism symbolizes our identification with Christ's death and resurrection.
- Regular participation in the Lord's Supper remembers Christ's sacrifice and anticipates His return.
- Christ's sacrifice provides healing for spirit, soul, and body.
- The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers believers for ministry and spiritual gifts are still active today.
- Believers have direct access to and can minister to others.
- The church's is to equip believers for ministry and foster spiritual growth.
- There is one united church representing the Body of Christ, with local churches accountable to God.
- Christ will return for His church, leading to the resurrection of the saved and the lost.
- Human life is sacred, beginning at conception, with a call for chastity and the sanctity of marriage.
- Christians are called to be a light and salt in society, influencing government and community for good.